

His external challenge of sound and speech only reinforces his belief that all is one. That everyone has the same life. Manojan is driven by the desire to improve the lives of the deaf and mute community. His spirit is always yearning to reach out to as many people as he can. Whether he is accompanying the blind to college or writing a sign language curriculum for the deaf and mute.

Manojan has over seven years of combined experience working with non-governmental organizations and private sector organizations. He has worked as a Sign Language Instructor with the Institute of Speech and Hearing (ISH) in Bangalore, conducted teacher training for Sign Language workshops at the Association of People with Disability in Bangalore, and promoted Sign Language awareness through Normal School and College. The team is working hard to create a sign language book and CD to educate hearing-impaired children in the way they see and understand.

Manojan studied level-(A-B) Indian Sign Language in Coimbatore and level-C Interpreter Sign Language from IBDA in Indore, M.P.

To assist people who have difficulty hearing, he has given lectures at conferences, workshops, and seminars on Sign Language, Life Development Skills for Deaf Students and Adults, and Hearing Staffs from Deaf Language. He has held awareness campaigns to highlight issues affecting the hearing impaired. He has also given lectures to Deaf youth students at the National Youth Leadership Training Camp

At the department, he leads corporate workshops and works to improve the lives of the hearing impaired. His dream is to see people with disabilities walk alongside everyone else in society.